SMALL CLICK BIG EGGIdle-game, clickerSPECIFICS:Each subsequent egg increases with more clicks. Every click gives you coins. When a loot falls out of an egg, it opens in your collection, and you can also click on it to get coins. You can see how much you have already called and how much is left on the scale on the left.ANIMALS:Only 8 different animals. The more animals you open, the less chance you have to open a new one. In the beginning, the chance to open a new animal is 100% (Because you dont have any) then the chance will be 7/8, 6/8, 5/8, etc. Repeated moles can fall out of the egg and therefore their number is written under each animal.SHOP:The store has three upgrades: hammer, x2 coins and power. THE HAMMER helps you break the egg, strikes it every 10 seconds and the values on the scale and the size of the egg increase accordingly. You can see when the hammer strikes by looking at its icon above the scale, which is animated.You can buy a lot of hammers and they will break the egg better. The number you can see above the hammer iconWith each purchase of a hammer, its price increases 1.5 timesIf you buy x2 COINS, then when you click on the animal, it will give you twice as much as before. You can buy a lot of x2 and the animals will give even more coins. With each purchase x2 its price increases 2 times.If you buy STRENGTH, you will beat the egg twice as hard as before. You can buy a lot of strength and you will beat the egg even harder. With each purchase x2 its price increases 2.5 times.PROGRESS:If you close the game, you will not lose any progress: the game stores everything - from animals to egg size and scale.